On 10th of February 2017 the European Commission granted the HR award to Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. Honouring JKU with the HR award is the completion of intensive and long-lasting activities connected with preparing the HR Strategy and Action Plan which have been taking place since June 2016. At the same time, JKU begins the realization of the HR Strategy and Action Plan which have been attached below.
Contact person
mgr Agnieszka Bygar - Head of department
tel. 48 41 349 73 39
e-mail: agnieszka.bygar@ujk.edu.pl
Department of Science
Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce
General information
Implementation of The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce the principles of The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in order to obtain from the European Commission award "Human Resources Excellence in Research" - "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)".
32.1 Obligation to take measures to implement the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The beneficiary must take all measures to implement the principles set out in the Commission Recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers 41, in particular regarding:
- working conditions;
- transparent recruitment processes based on merit, and
- career development.
The beneficiary must ensure that researchers and third parties involved in the action are aware of them.
32.2 Consequences of non-compliance.
If the beneficiary breaches its obligations under this Article, the [Commission][Agency] may apply any of the measures described in Chapter 6. 41 Commission Recommendation (EC) No 251/2005 of 11 March 2005 on the European Charter for Researchers and on a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (OJ L 75, 22.03.2005, p. 67).
Implementation procedure
6 June 2016 - The first meeting of the working group during which efforts towards obtaining the HR award are commenced. The group develops an initial procedure for preparation for implementing the provisions of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
2 August 2016 - Rector Jacek Semaniak signs the declaration of support for the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
3 August 2016 - The declaration of support for the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers is sent to the European Commission.
22 August 2016 - The European Commission acknowledges receipt of the endorsement letter and informs JKU about commencing the procedure aiming to incorporate JKU into the fellowship of academic institutions supporting the provisions of the Charter and Code.
12 September 2016 - Rector Jacek Semaniak signs the Directive regarding the establishment of the Team for the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Directive no. 59/2016) whose tasks include the preparation for implementing the principles and requirements set out in the Charter and Code, according to the guidelines of the European Commission. The Implementation Team includes:
Representatives of the research staff:
1. Prof. Marek Przeniosło - Team Coordinator,
2. Prof. Agnieszka Gałuszka – Deputy Team Coordinator,
3. Lidia Michalska-Bracha, Ph.D. habil. JKU Assoc. Prof. – Vice-Dean for Research, the Faculty of Humanities,
4. Dariusz Banaś, Ph.D. habil. – Vice-Dean for Science and International Cooperation, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science,
5. Dorota Kozieł, MD Ph.D. – Vice-Dean for General Affairs, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
6. Prof. Urszula Ślusarczyk – Vice-Dean for Research, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Arts,
7. Leszek Wieczorek, Ph.D. habil. JKU Assoc. Prof. – Vice-Dean for Research and International Cooperation, the Faculty of Law, Administration and Management,
8. Wojciech Baran-Kozłowski, Ph.D. habil. JKU Assoc. Prof. – Vice-Dean, the Faculty of Language Studies and History, JKU Branch in Piotrków Trybunalski,
9. Joanna Majchrzyk-Mikuła, Ph.D. habil. – Vice-Dean, the Faculty of Social Sciences, JKU Branch in Piotrków Trybunalski.
Employees who are responsible for the preparation of organizational, legal and information documentation, including preparation of the HR Strategy and promotion and communication of the elaborated documents:
1. the Chancellor,
2. the Chief Accountant – Vice Chancellor for Finance,
3. the Head of HR Department,
4. the Head of Research and International Cooperation Department,
5. the Head of Innovation and Technology Transfer Department,
6. the Head of European Funds Department,
7. the Head of IT Security Department,
8. a representative of Promotion and Information Office,
9. a representative of the University Counsel of Government of JKU Ph.D. students,
10. a representative of Organization and Legal Office for Legal Affairs,
11. a representative of Organization and Legal Office for Intellectual Property Affairs,
12. a specialist for Ph.D. studies.
19 September 2016 – JKU receives an official response from the EC regarding the Declaration of support for the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, sent previously. The Commission acknowledges the endorsement letter and expresses its hope that JKU will go further in the process by undergoing the implementation mechanism of the Charter and Code. JKU is placed in the list of other institutions which have already expressed their support for the Charter and Code in the same way:
21 September 2016 – a meeting of employees responsible for the preparation of organizational, legal and information documentation, including preparation of the HR Strategy and promotion and communication of the elaborated documents. Participants discuss documents which are to be filed to the EC and the time schedule of preparing the implementation of award HR.
6 October 2016 – the first meeting of Team for the Implementation takes place. Its participants get familiar with the principles of HR award, the benefits resulting from obtaining it and documents which need to be sent to the European Commission. The Team approves the survey-questionnaire which is to be sent to employees and PhD students of JKU via mail. The Team discusses the time schedule of subsequent actions within the HR award implementation procedure.
The implementation procedure of HR award is promoted in the local press – “Echo Dnia”, in its student addition to paper, publishes a short article summarizing the previous actions within the procedure and describing the benefits for JKU in case of obtaining it.
Researchers, research and didactic employees as well as PhD students are sent an anonymous survey-questionnaire which is to be filled in online. Its aim is to gather opinions concerning the conditions of work and professional development of researchers in JKU with respect to the regulations of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
7 October 2016 – the HR award implementation procedure is promoted in the social media of JKU – on its Facebook and Twitter accounts.
28 October 2016 – the second meeting of Team for the Implementation takes the electronic form – “Internal analysis questionnaire”, prepared by employees responsible for the preparation of organizational, legal and information documentation, is sent to the Team’s members. The Team’s task is to check the Questionnaire in respect of its substantive contents and report any of its fragments requiring modifications or corrections. The members’ remarks are collected and taken into account. As a result, works with “Internal analysis questionnaire” are considered finished.
14 November 2016 - Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce officially submitted its application to the European Commission in order to receive the HR award.
10 February 2017 - European Commission grants the HR Excellence in Research to Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce.
24 March 2017 - the Meeting of the Team for development of Ethical Code of Academic Teachers in JKU. During the meeting its members discuss substantive tasks connected with development of the Code and areas which should be included in the Code. Nest meeting of the Team is planned.
13 June 2017 - the second Meeting of the Team for development of Ethical Code of Academic Teachers in JKU is held. Its Members discuss the final version of the document, they establish changes that have to be introduced. At the end of the meeting, the final version is concluded which next can be presented to the University’s authorities.
13 July 2017 - in the frame of realization of the Charter & Code’s rules, i.e. Continuing Professional Development and Access to research training and continuous development (indicated in the Action Plan of HR Strategy) Department of Science and International Cooperation organizes a training concerning construction of a grant application for one of the calls for proposals of the National Science Centre – Miniatura. The training is conducted by a NSC expert – Dr. hab. Szymon Walczak.
19 October 2017 - in the frame of realization of the Charter & Code’s rules, i.e. Continuing Professional Development and Access to research training and continuous development (indicated in the Action Plan of HR Strategy) Department of Science and International Cooperation organizes a training dedicated exclusively to doctoral students, concerning construction of a grant application for one of the calls for proposals of the National Science Centre – Preludium. The training is conducted by employees of Department of Science and International Cooperation.
19 March 2018 - in the frame of realization of the Charter & Code’s rules, i.e. Continuing Professional Development and Access to research training and continuous development (indicated in the Action Plan of HR Strategy) Department of Science and International Cooperation organizes a training concerning preparation of grant proposals in the calls for proposals of the National Science Center. The training is conducted by a NSC expert – Dr. hab. Szymon Walczak..
April – June 2018 - in the frame of realization of the Charter & Code’s rules, i.e. Continuing Professional Development and Access to research training and continuous development (indicated in the Action Plan of HR Strategy) Department of Science and International Cooperation organizes a programme of workshops dedicated to the academic staff of JKU. The workshops cover the following subjects: preparing grant proposals, preparing project budgets, administering the online systems for submitting proposals. The workshops are realized by employees of Department of Science and International Cooperation.
24 May 2018 - Senate of Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce adopts the Ethical Code of Academic Teachers.
October-December 2018 - In the frame of realization of the Charter & Code’s rules, i.e. Continuing Professional Development and Access to research training and continuous development (indicated in the Action Plan of HR Strategy) Department of Science and International Cooperation organizes a programme of workshops dedicated to the academic staff of JKU. The workshops cover the following subjects: preparing grant proposals, preparing project budgets, administering the online systems for submitting proposals. The workshops are realized by employees of Department of Science and International Cooperation.
8 March 2019 - After two years of implementing the regulations of Charter & Code and HR Strategy, JKU oficially submits a report to the European Commission – so called Internal Review. The updated HR Strategy is also published on a specially dedicated website.
Documentation of implementation
The European Charter for Researchers
The European Charter for Researchers is a set of general principles and requirements which specifies the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers6. The aim of the Charter is to ensure that the nature of the relationship between researchers and employers or funders is conducive to successful performance in generating, transferring, sharing and disseminating knowledge and technological development, and to the career development of researchers. The Charter also recognizes the value of all forms of mobility as a means for enhancing the professional development of researchers.
The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
The Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers consists of a set of general principles and requirements that should be followed by employers and/or funders when appointing or recruiting researchers. These principles and requirements should ensure observance of values such as transparency of the recruitment process and equal treatment of all applicants, in particular with regard to the development of an attractive, open and sustainable European labour market for researchers, and are complementary to those outlined in the European Charter for Researchers. Institutions and employers adhering to the Code of Conduct will openly demonstrate their commitment to act in a responsible and respectable way and to provide fair framework conditions to researchers, with a clear intention to contribute to the advancement of the European Research Area.
The Charter and the Code on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Click here to see more
The Charter and the Code on the at the European portal for scientists EURAXESS.
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The rules and requirements of the European Charter for Researchers setting out the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers and their employers.
Click here to see more
The rules and requirements of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers ensure observance of values such as transparency of the recruitment process and equal treatment of all candidates, in particular in relation to the creation of an attractive, open and sustainable European labor market for researchers within the European Research Area.
Click here to see more
Declarations of endorsement of The Charter and the Code.
Click here to see more
HRS4R Acknowledged Institutions.
Click here to see more